
along the stage Learn more about along the stage

  • Growth cycle of Amorphophallus Konjac

    Growth cycle of Amorphophallus Konjac

    The growth cycle of Amorphophallus konjac usually takes about 5 years. The growth cycle of konjac varies greatly from place to place, such as along the Han River in Shaanxi, the growth period of the aboveground part of konjac is 180 days, and the annual growth period of underground tubers is about 200 days; along the Weihe River in Guanzhong, the growth cycle of the aboveground part is about 150 days.

    2020-11-09 Konjac growth cycle konjac general
  • What are the diseases and insect pests of wheat at seedling stage

    What are the diseases and insect pests of wheat at seedling stage

    What are the diseases and insect pests in wheat seedling stage? Please introduce the wheat rust 15-20 days after emergence, select the wheat field with disease conditions for investigation, when the diseased leaf rate reaches 10%, and the autumn temperature is too high, Rain Water is on the high side, immediately spray triadimefon or triadimefon for control, that is, 12.5% WP per mu.

  • Wheat farmers pay attention to pest control

    Wheat farmers pay attention to pest control

    The reporter learned from the provincial plant protection station that the number of insect sources in the frequent occurrence areas of wheat midges in our province has generally rebounded this year, most of which are the highest in recent years, and it is estimated that the occurrence area of the whole province is about 4.5 million mu. Relevant experts suggest that the fields with high coincidence degree in the "two stages" (the stage of wheat heading and flowering and the peak emergence of adults of trematodes) should be identified as the target fields for control. According to the investigation at this station, it is found that the population base of wheat trematodes in the middle of Huaibei and along the Huaihe River is higher than that in the same period in recent years.

  • How to Control Diseases and insect pests in Wheat Seedling stage

    How to Control Diseases and insect pests in Wheat Seedling stage

    How to control diseases and insect pests in wheat seedling stage? Please guide that in general, about 15 days after wheat sowing, the wheat seedlings will basically grow, so in the future, how to manage and protect the wheat seedlings is very critical. The author recommends several methods to control wheat seedling diseases and insect pests. Wheat rust 15 years after wheat emergence.

  • Withered Leaf phenomenon and Disease Control of Wheat

    Withered Leaf phenomenon and Disease Control of Wheat

    Withered Leaf phenomenon and Disease Control of Wheat

  • How to treat rice diseases?

    How to treat rice diseases?

    Rice is one of the main food crops in China, which is widely cultivated in the south and along the river in the north. Diseases will occur in rice if it is not managed properly. So, how to treat rice diseases? It depends on what disease the rice has. It's main.

    2020-11-08 Rice disease how cure rice yes China main want
  • The export of flowers in Shunde has increased significantly to the countries along the "Belt and Road Initiative" route.

    The export of flowers in Shunde has increased significantly to the countries along the

    The export of flowers in Shunde has increased significantly to the countries along the "Belt and Road Initiative" route.

  • Characteristics and cultivation points of High quality Zhongjing Zhendao No.1

    Characteristics and cultivation points of High quality Zhongjing Zhendao No.1

    Zhendao No. 1 (formerly known as 7038) was cultivated as medium japonica single-cropping rice in northern Jiangsu, and the whole growth period was 140-145 days. The whole growth period of post-cropping rice cultivated along the Yangtze River and southern Jiangsu is 125-130 days. The seed setting rate of this variety is more than 90%, and the 1000-grain weight is 25026g. Plant height 100~105cm for single cropping rice and plant height 85~90cm for post-cropping rice. The rate of finishing rice is 70.39%, and the palatability is good. Medium resistance to sheath blight. The main points of cultivation are as follows: (1) to cultivate in a single season and sow seeds in southern Jiangsu in late May. Cultivation of post-cropping rice along the Yangtze River and southern Jiangsu

  • Landscape Flower allocation Technology of Liu Peng Line in Shangshu Township, Anji County

    Landscape Flower allocation Technology of Liu Peng Line in Shangshu Township, Anji County

    Landscape Flower allocation Technology of Liu Peng Line in Shangshu Township, Anji County

  • Production of potato jam

    Production of potato jam

    Frozen spinach can be divided into ordinary frozen storage and ventilation cool storage two kinds. (1) Ordinary frozen storage method Select a shady and dry place, set up shade barriers along the east and west direction, dig one or several ditches in the shade area on the north side of the barrier, the specifications vary according to regional climate conditions, the depth of the ditch in Beijing is about 15 cm, the width depends on the size and number of spinach placed, generally about 30 cm, and then spread a layer of fine sand at the bottom of the ditch. When the temperature drops below 0℃, the spinach is tied into a bundle, and then covered with a layer of fine sand. As the weather gets colder, soil covering by stages

  • "Belt and Road Initiative" huge space for agricultural cooperation, seed industry is the core.

    Agricultural "Belt and Road Initiative" strategy: build China's granary and protect the local people's livelihood. The hard constraints and sustainability of agricultural resources, the rigid growth of demand for agricultural products, food security is national security, and so on, are the agricultural conditions of our country. The Chinese government proposed "Belt and Road Initiative".

    2016-03-20 Belt and Road Initiative Agriculture Cooperation Space Giant seed Industry Yes
  • How to water orchids during germination period

    How to water orchids during germination period

    How to water orchids during germination period

  • Planting time of spring carrots

    Planting time of spring carrots

    Spring carrots are generally sown from the end of February to early March, ditches are opened after soil preparation, appropriate amount of water is watered along the ditch bottom, and then ridges are made for machine sowing or manual sowing, which can be covered with fine soil after sowing, and spring carrots can be harvested about 100 days after sowing. I. species

    2020-11-08 Spring carrots planting time summary spring in general in
  • How to plant licorice with high yield

    How to plant licorice with high yield

    1. Seedling transplanting 1. Deep, fertile and loose rotten soil or sandy loam should be selected in the nursery land. Apply 2000 kg of farm manure, 25 kg of superphosphate and 10 kg of potassium sulfate per mu as base fertilizer, ploughing more than 40 cm, leveling and raking fine, doing 110cm.

    2020-11-08 How ability high yield planting licorice one raising seedlings transplanting
  • Cultivation techniques of autumn buckwheat

    Cultivation techniques of autumn buckwheat

    First, sowing seeds at the right time. Buckwheat likes warm and cool environment, is afraid of frost, and sows too early or too late, which will seriously affect the yield. The suitable sowing date for the south area along the Yangtze River in our province is around the middle of August, and the suitable sowing date for the area along the Huaihe River is the first and middle of August. Second, select improved varieties. It is appropriate to choose buckwheat varieties with a growth period of 70-80 days and strong stress resistance, such as sweet.

  • Carrying out Aquaculture renovation to protect the Ecological Environment of Taihu Lake Basin in Xueyan

    Carrying out Aquaculture renovation to protect the Ecological Environment of Taihu Lake Basin in Xueyan

    Wujin News Network (Zhang Yingjuan reporter Zhou Jian) on January 19, Niu Longfu, who lives in the East Village Group of Yapu Village, Xueyan Town, was cleaning the pond and cleared 2 mu of fish ponds.

  • What about the fire dragon yangzi of soybeans?

    What about the fire dragon yangzi of soybeans?

    Soybean cyst nematode disease soybean cyst nematode disease, also known as Verticillium wilt, yellow dwarf disease, root nematode disease, farmers called "Huolong Yangzi". It is reported that more than 22.5 million mu of soybeans in 14 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions have been infected with the disease. Soybean cyst nematode disease harms the root system of soybean, resulting in poor growth and development of the aboveground part of the plant, shortening and dwarfing of internodes, yellowing and podding of leaves, reduction of yield, general reduction of yield by 10%, 30%, and almost extinction in serious plots. After parasitic nematode in soybean, the main root and lateral root developed poorly, and the along root increased.

  • How to plant buckwheat in autumn?

    How to plant buckwheat in autumn?

    How to plant buckwheat in autumn? Please introduce the planting of buckwheat in autumn with reference to the following methods: first, sowing at the right time. Buckwheat likes warm and cool environment, is afraid of frost, and sows too early or too late, which will seriously affect the yield. The suitable sowing date for the south area along the Yangtze River in our province is around the middle of August, and along the Huaihe River in August.

  • Sorghum planting: how to control sorghum top rot?

    Sorghum planting: how to control sorghum top rot?

    How to control the top rot of sorghum? Please introduce the control methods of sorghum top rot, which mainly occurs from seedling stage to adult plant stage. the main symptoms of top rot are as follows: seedling stage, top leaves of adult plants show chlorosis, deformity, wrinkle or distortion, and there are many transverse knife-cut marks on the edge. some are tested or two along the main vein.

  • Replanting autumn buckwheat for disaster relief and increasing income

    Replanting autumn buckwheat for disaster relief and increasing income

    Buckwheat is a good crop for filling leisure and disaster relief because of its short growth period, strong adaptability, moderate yield and high nutritional value, and can be planted from south to north in our province. Experts remind that the south area along the Yangtze River in our province can be sown around the middle of August, and it is suitable for the region along the Huaihe River to be in the first and middle of August. The growth period of buckwheat should be 70-80 days.
